
 Affinity Groups

Cultural Centers and the Yale LGBTQ Center welcome all Graduate and Professional students!  Many events are targeted towards Graduate and Professional students. 

You can even use the space to hang out and grab a coffee!  Swing by and visit!

Office of LGBTQ Resources

Location: Suite 124, Swing Space, 40A Ashmun Street

African American Cultural Center

Location: 211 Park Street

Latino Cultural Center

Location: 301 Crown Street

MENA Cultural Community

Location: 305 Crown Street

Asian American Cultural Center

Location: 295 Crown Street

Native American Cultural Center

Location: 26 High Street

 Group Directories By School

Below are links to the club directories at Graduate and Professional schools across Yale. Please use this to reach out to groups across campus when planning events! You may find even more on YaleConnect!

The Union (Local 33)

Given your role as a Graduate and Professional student, you may be a part of Local 33, the Union of Graduate Teachers & Researchers at Yale. For more information, view the Local 33 website or email them at